From the moment I began reading the preface of Fruit of My
Spirit I chuckled; here was a writer I related to; a real person, close to my
age, who responded to life like anyone else, her words not spiritually sugar
coated: “I’m impatient whenever life has the audacity to thwart my plans. I get
frustrated whenever life presents a detour or a hurdle.” Oh yeah…Amen sister,
preach it!
Deanna Nowadnick’s memories of love, marriage, family, her childhood, her teen
years and adulthood are down to earth, sometimes funny even embarrassing and I
know that many people will be helped by her way of seeing Gods hand in even the
most trying times. Her book helped me, and that’s a miracle because I’ve been in
the midst of one of the hardest years of my life. It made me happy to start
each day, these last 2 weeks, reading a chapter. It was good to look at my
circumstances in a different light.
*Here's a special note to Deanna...We didn't need to watch Survivor on TV, we survived Blue Birds and Campfire girls... I don't "Do" camping either. Our joke is "my idea of camping is a room in the Holiday Inn in a sleeping bag." ;-)
here's a link to Deanna Nowadnick's Fruit of My Spirit